News — scented candles
How to Use Fragrance Oils
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There’s nothing better than the comforting scent of home. Whether it’s vanilla, lavender, or peppermint, fragrance oils are often overlooked in the candle buying marketplace, and they're an excellent way to fill any space with your favorite scent. Maybe one of the most misunderstood ways to fragrance a room, fragrance oils are actually very simple to use. They have a wonderful fragrance throw and no wax or use of proper candle burning techniques is required. All you need is fragrance oil and a low-heat warmer to fill your home with the comforting scents we offer. What are fragrance oils? Fragrance oils, not...
Peak Wildflower Season in Texas is Coming!
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Increase Your Happiness!
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Coffee, Reflections on 2020, and our 2021 Goal
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There are many known benefits to starting your day with coffee! For me, coffee with a soothing scented candle and some quiet time, is the perfect start to a productive day. So, as I start 2021 with my delicious morning coffee and candle (photo isn’t mine but I totally relate), I would like to briefly reflect on 2020 and talk about our goals for 2021. For many, 2020 was the year that, to quote Judith Viorst, was a “terrible, horrible, no good, very bad” year. We had a pandemic with many lives lost, businesses shut down both temporarily and forever, and...